Innovative design: A game-changing innovation since 2006, with over 18 million square feet installed.
Pre-assembled panels: Delivered with an extra heavy-duty anchoring system for easy embedment into fresh concrete.
Superior durability: Body thickness of 0.20" (10% greater than the closest alternative) and panel weight of 2.25 lbs. per SF (12% more material than the closest alternative).
Four-sided embedment flange: 0.75" deep and 1.02" thick for secure installation.
Corrosion-resistant concrete inserts: Time-tested and proven 0.5" x 1.5" inserts with 6,200 psi of pull-down strength per insert.
Optimal embedment depth: 2" of embedment depth into the concrete (50% deeper than the closest alternative).
Heavy-duty metal bolt: 0.5" x 1.5" bolt located 0.25" into the body of the panel for secure attachment.
Structurally fit caps: Fully covered and protected bolt heads, superior to open-faced, lightweight all-purpose screws used by alternative systems.
Wide range of applications: Suitable for pedestrian crossings, rail crossing sites, and boarding platforms.
Multiple sizes: Available in 24" x 24", 24" x 36", 24" x 48", 24" x 60", 36" x 48", and 36" x 60" sizes.
Variety of colors: Choose from Federal Yellow, Brick Red, Clay Red, Safety Red, Dark Gray, Black, White, Seattle Yellow, and Safety Blue.
Compliance with safety regulations: Meets Public Right-of-Way Accessibility Guidelines (PROWAG), Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines (ADAAG), and California Title 24 requirements.